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We’ll be in touch very shortly. In the mean time please check out our FAQs.
What are the Regulations for importing cars to NZ?
The regulations for importing a vehicle into NZ are governed by the New Zealand Transport Agency. To find out the up to date regulations, please visit
How can I find out info on what the Duty/GST costs will be for importing into New Zealand?
GST is payable at 15% on the landed value, which is the value of the vehicle, plus freight, plus insurance. Otherwise known as the CIF (Cost + Insurance + Freight) price. If you are to be exempt from paying GST you need to meet the following conditions:
- Be a first-time immigrant or a returning New Zealand citizen.
- If a returning citizen, you must have been out of New Zealand for over 21 months.
- Be prepared to sign a deed where you agree not to sell the vehicle for at least 2 years.
- The vehicle must have been owned and used for the last 12 months.
Where can I find out information on New Zealand road compliance?
Visit the New Zealand Transport Agency.
Are there any restrictions on the import of any particular vehicle?
Check to see if your vehicle meets New Zealand’s emissions requirements.
Can you ship vehicles that are inoperable?
Yes – our team work with all vehicles individually so if not operating, we will simply manage them by hand to avoid any damages or issues. We do not use forkhoists on vehicles.
Which parts of the US do you ship from?
FPS works with a network of transport companies ex the US, so we can uplift vehicles from any state in the US, to bring the vehicles down to our California based depot for loading to NZ.
Does my car have to be warranted even though it is an export out of New Zealand?
Vehicles must have a current Warrant of Fitness (WOF) to leave New Zealand on a RORO (car carrier) vessel.
Do you provide an Escrow service?
Yes. We do. We pay your funds to the seller when we pick up the vehicle and title to the vehicle, much safer than sending money to an unknown seller overseas. Contact us for details.
Can you arrange Insurance?
Yes. We can. Contact us for details.
Can you arrange storage for my vehicle in the USA?
Yes. We can. Contact us for details.
Does FPS complete compliance also?
No, FPS complete all border formalities, including the New Zealand Transport Agency Border Check (verifying the VIN number of the vehicle). Vehicle compliance needs to be completed by an Entry Certifier, contact your local representative to discuss this further.
Can you help me with Customs?
Yes. We can. Contact us for details.
If your question is not covered here, please contact us on 0508 famous (0508 326687), or you can use the form below. We will be happy to provide an answer to any queries you may have.
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Customer Service
Telephone: +64 9 275 6878
New Zealand Head Office
5-7 Amelia Earhart Ave Airport Oaks Auckland, New Zealand